Aminet 30
Aminet 30 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1999].iso
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ppc.library emulation history
(kern): changes are relevant for PowerUp kernel emulation only
(lib): changes are relevant for M68k library only
- 0.5 / ppc.library 46.8 (24.01.99)
o Possibility to start ELF objects directly under WarpOS without runelf!
The emulation library installs its own ELF-LoadSeg patch, which works
nearly in the same way as with the original library. Only difference:
The message system is not used. This feature was only for vbcc-
compatibily anyway, and I know for sure that vbcc no longer needs it. :)
o (lib) PPCCacheClearE() is supported, because it's used by the LoadSeg-
patch, for example.
- 0.4c / ppc.library 46.7 (23.01.99)
o (kern) Fixed PPCGetAttr(). It was erroneously implemented as
PPCGetAttrs() in 0.4 and had some bugs anyway. Now PLL is much more
precise than with the original.
o (kern) Task support functions: PPCFindTask(), PPCFinishTask() and
PPCGetTaskAttr(). PPCGetTaskAttr currently only knows about the
PPCTASKTAG_STACKSIZE tag, others will generate a NULL return value.
o Common symbols are no longer ignored. Space in the .bss section will
be assigned for them. This was one of the major reasons for most
crashes under earlier versions! Unlike vbcc and SAS/C, gcc (or egcs?)
uses common symbols (since some time?).
o (kern) PowerUp ELF library support:
PPCOpenLibrary(), PPCCloseLibrary(), PPCGetLibSymbol().
o New method of starting PPC tasks. Still synchronous only, but the
function is already prepared for asynchronous tasks.
o (lib) More tags supported by PPCCreateTask(): PPCTASKTAG_ERROR,
PPCTASKTAG_ARG5-ARG8, NP_Input,NP_Output,NP_Error,NP_CloseInput,
o (lib) The argument pointer of PPCRunObject() was not recognized!
o (lib) All memory allocations are done with 32-byte alignment now. There
were some dangeours 4-byte aligments left in earlier versions.
- 0.4b / ppc.library 46.6 (05.01.99)
o A separate PowerPC task ("ppcemu TimerObjSrv") is launched when the
library is initialized. It will be needed to handle the timer jobs
and to do PPC task notification. It uses zero cpu-time, when idling.
o (kern) TimerObjects: PPCCreateTimerObject, PPCDeleteTimerObject,
PPCGetTimerObject, PPCSetTimerObject.
o (kern) I/O: PPCInput,PPCOutput.
o (kern) Signal support: PPCAllocSignal,PPCFreeSignal,PPCSetSignal,
PPCSignal,PPCWait (PPCSignal might not work, because of different Task
o (kern) Version: PPCVersion,PPCRevision.
o (kern) TagItem support: PPCFindTagItem,PPCGetTagData,PPCNextTagItem.
o (kern) Fixed Add64,Add64p,Sub64,Sub64p (they are still incorrect
in original ppc.libraray!)
o (kern) Improved Cmp64,Cmp64p.
- 0.4a / ppc.library 46.5 (19.12.98)
o (kern) Fixed PPCNeg64,Neg64p,Sub64,Sub64p,Mulu64,Mulu64p,Muls64,Muls64p.
o (lib) Private PPCDebugMode function.
- 0.4 / ppc.library 46.4 (27.11.98)
o Included the *names* of all kernel functions from ppc.library V46.19.
As a consequence the library version was bumped to 46.
o The PowerPC type, cpu clock and bus clock will be determined when
initializing the library base.
o PPCGetAttr (without PPCINFOTAG_EXCEPTIONHOOK) for M68k lib and PPC kernel.
o (lib) PPCCreateTask: r3 and r4 default to zero to avoid startup
code crashes when checking for args via r3 (PPCLoad-fix).
o (lib) Read/write data by PowerPC: PPCReadByte,WriteByte,ReadWord,
o (kern) The kernel functions no longer need to init the TOC pointer.
o (kern) Included additional 64-bit and gcc-support functions of V46.19:
__umoddi3,__xordi3, memcpy,strcmp,strcpy
- 0.3 / ppc.library 45.3 (20.11.98)
o (kern) List functions: PPCAddHead/Sync, AddTail/Sync, Enqueue/Sync,
Insert/Sync, NewList, RemHead/Sync, Remove/Sync, RemTail/Sync
and PPCNextTagItem.
- 0.2 / ppc.library 45.2 (16.11.98)
o (kern) 64-bit support functions: PPCAdd64, Add64p, Cmp64, Cmp64p,
Divs64, Divs64p, Divu64, Divu64p, Mods64, Mods64p, Modu64, Modu64p,
Muls64, Muls64p, Mulu64, Mulu64p, Neg64, Neg64p, Sub64, Sub64p
- 0.1 / ppc.library 45.1 (15.11.98)
o First partially working ppc.library emulation. Synchronous PPC
tasks, started by runelf, which only use the basic PowerUp kernel
functions for I/O, memory and context-switch seem to work fine.
o (lib) Supported 68k functions:
PPCAllocVec,PPCFreeVec,PPCCreateTask(only synchronous),
o (kern) Supported PowerUp kernel functions:
Pooled memory functions currently use the normal Alloc/FreeVec
functions, because pooled memory support is still missing in WarpOS.
- 0.0 / ppc.library 45.0 (31.10.98)
o Started after getting a hint that the last author abondoned his project.